What is the best way for a health care professional to reduce the risk of falling in the elderly?

Friday, October 31, 2014

Independent Blog

Creating a video game is a huge process. Part of it is making sure that the game runs smoothly and that there are no bugs. How do you do that? By playing of course!

Game testing is a crucial part of the game making process. In order to make sure that the game is ready to be sold and played, it needs to be able to run smoothly and without glitches. This is one of the things I have decided to focus on for my independent component.

The other part i'm focusing on is the data checking portion. The games at Blue Marble are created to rehabilitate brain injuries and prevent falling in the elderly. So, in order to track the patients' progress, the information and results from the different games played are sent to a data base called Deep Ocean. The actions' results, that help the health professionals determine whether or not you are making progress, are recorded in Deep Ocean. There, they can access all of the information from the game under that certain username. 

My job in data checking is to make sure that the data is being sent and recorded properly in the Deep Ocean. This will prevent future miscalculations in a patient's progress.

Below are some photographs of the data checking process. 

1. First, I set up a camera to record the level as I play in order for me to be able to go back and check what I did. This is also just in case there is a bug that needs to be fixed. It is easier to just show on a recording than to go back and try to recreate what happened. 

2. The game is pulled up on whatever device I am playing on. I sign into an account and select a level. I play the level all of the way through. The data will be sent to Deep Ocean once I finish the level and go to the level select screen.

3. After, I go back and view the recording. This way I can write down the data and compare it to what is recorded in Deep Ocean to make sure that everything is being recorded properly.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Blog 8: Research and Working EQ

1. What is your working EQ?

What is the best way to prevent elderly people from falling?

2. What is a possible answer to you working EQ?

EQ: What is the best way to prevent elderly people from falling?

  • Through using video games that provide exercises and information.
  • Having the patient's progress monitored by a medical professional and working on the weak areas in order to improve.

3. What is the most important source you have used that has helped you come up with an answer to your working EQ?

The most important article I have read so far is "Prevention of Falls in the Elderly" by Dr Laurence Knott. The reason being, this article provides a large amount of information on falls. It talks about the risk of falls, injury, the impact of medication, as well as many other facts and insights as to why an elder may be at risk for falling. Along with all of this information, Dr. Knott provides statistics to show that there has been research done instead of him just giving an opinion.

4. Who is your mentor, or where are you doing mentorship, and how does what you are doing relate to you working EQ?

  • My mentor is Nina Withrington and I mentor with her at the Blue Marble Game Company.
  • Nina is one of the Physical Therapists at BMGC. She is in charge of the community outreach. However, at my mentorship, she has taught me all about the different game that they have created. Through teaching me about the games and how the database works, I have learned why this form of rehabilitation and prevention is so important and helpful.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Blog 7: Independent Component 1 Approval

1. Describe in detail what you plan on doing for your 30 hours.

I am doing my mentorship at Blue Marble Game Company. At BMGC, they create video games to rehabilitate brain injuries as well as prevent falling in the elderly. Since I am focusing on the fall prevention aspect at Blue Marble, I was thinking of doing my independent component on game testing.
Game testing is a super important part of what they do at Blue Marble because without testing the game and looking for bugs/glitches, how can one be sure that it is ready to be played by the public? I am planning on testing the game, reporting bugs to their database, and just learning more about the game itself.

2. Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.

I am planning on taking many photos of this process in order to show evidence of my work. I could even create a video to show the whole process of how game testing goes on to reporting bugs which would lead to the programmers fixing the game.

3. Explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth.

My project is on a video game that helps prevent falling in older people. So by learning the ins and outs of the whole game, I will really know how the game helps these people. I am basically learning exactly what the game is all about and why it's made the way it's made.